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Each year, LAF selects a six-member cohort of Fellows and recent LAF Olmsted Scholars for the fellowship program through an open, competitive process.


  • Applicants must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in landscape architecture. For those with degrees from colleges/universities in the U.S. and Canada, the landscape architecture program must be LAAB- or LAAC-accredited. For those outside of the U.S. and Canada, in locations where landscape architecture is not a recognized degree or profession, a degree in a related discipline is acceptable, provided that the applicant works as a landscape architect.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 6 years of professional experience in landscape architecture by the September 15 application deadline. This experience can include all types of practice — private, public, academic, non-profit, multi-disciplinary, and other. (See FAQs for information on whether/how to count internships, part-time work, consulting, etc.)
  • Applicants must be able to communicate in written and spoken English at an advanced/professional level and provide evidence of proficiency.
  • Applicants must be able to dedicate time to the fellowship and proposed project. They will be required to obtain a letter of support from their employers for time off from their regular employment.
  • Current LAF staff, members of the LAF Board of Directors, and members of LAF committees are not eligible. Former staff and former members of the LAF Board of Directors and committees who meet the above requirements are eligible.


Application Process

Each year in June*, LAF begins accepting applications for the fellowship year that starts the following spring. LAF uses SlideRoom as its online application platform and will only accept applications submitted through this system. All application materials (including the employer letter of support and reference letters) must be submitted by 11:59pm EDT on September 15.

Visit to use the system. Once you have created an account, scroll down to select the appropriate application type (Senior-level, Mid-career, or Recent Olmsted Scholar), and click “Begin” to start the application process. You may save, edit, and review your work prior to submitting. An application fee of $50 (USD) must be paid through SlideRoom when the application is submitted.

*LAF is planning a “Growth and Strategy” year to strengthen and build upon this signature program. After the current cohort, the next year the LAF Fellowship will be offered is 2026-27, and we will begin accepting applications in summer 2025.


Application Types

Senior-Level Candidates

Applicants with a minimum of 18+ years of professional landscape architecture experience in practice, academia, public- or non-profit sectors.

Mid-Career Candidates

Applicants with between 6 and 17 years of professional landscape architecture experience in practice, academia, public- or non-profit sectors.

Recent Olmsted Scholars

LAF Olmsted Scholars who were recognized in the past 6 years have the opportunity to participate in a special tier of the fellowship.

NOTE: Applicants are required to show that their experience meets the minimum requirements. This includes full-time equivalent positions (including consulting work) and part-time work adjusted to its full-time equivalent. Applicants should not count internships or assistantships that occurred while they were pursuing a first professional degree in landscape architecture.


Application Contents

Applicants should submit materials that best display relevant work, project goals, ability to complete the proposed project, and ability to lead and participate in intergenerational mentorship.

All submissions must adhere to guidelines and deadlines in order to be considered. Additional materials will not be reviewed.

Required materials

  • General Application Form
  • Project Abstract
  • Project Proposal
  • Project Budget and Schedule
  • Reference Letter
  • Employer Letter of Support
  • CV and Portfolio
  • Signed Statements of Commitment

Supplemental materials

  • Proof of English Language Proficiency (for non-native speakers only)
  • College/University Transcripts (for international applicants only)
  • Project Contacts (for team projects only)


Selection Process

Accomplished and insightful leaders in the landscape architecture discipline serve as jurors to review applications and select the fellowship participants. Applicants selected as finalists are expected to be available for a web-based video interview in December. Those selected for the fellowship will be notified in January.

Applicants are evaluated on the following:

  • Quality of the applicant’s submission
  • Project’s contribution to knowledge and innovation in the discipline of landscape architecture
  • Project’s potential to increase landscape architecture’s role in addressing global challenges
  • Feasibility of project objectives
  • Potential to expand landscape architecture’s leadership capacity into new areas
  • Applicant’s ability to provide and be open to mentorship, both as a mentor and a mentee
  • Preference will be given to applicants who are at a point in their careers where their participation in the LAF Fellowship is likely to be pivotal for their future growth and development as leaders in the discipline of landscape architecture.



Contact Danielle Carbonneau at dcarbonneau [at] (dcarbonneau[at]lafoundation[dot]org).

LAF Fellowship
Award & Expectations
Application Process
Fellowship FAQs
LAF Fellows

The LAF Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership was launched in 2016 thanks to the generous support of donors to the LAF: 50 & Forward Campaign. We would like to specially thank the following organizations for their leadership and significant commitments to this campaign.


Become a Leadership Program Sponsor

This new sponsorship offering supports the LAF Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership, its culminating symposium each June, and the annual LAF Awards Dinner.

Learn More