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LAF Olmsted Scholars receive wide recognition and unique access to leaders in landscape architecture. Being an Olmsted Scholar also offers ongoing connections to a growing network of rising leaders and unparalleled opportunities to engage and participate with LAF. 

During the Nomination year


All nominees are recognized as LAF Olmsted Scholars and receive publicity through the foundation's communication channels, as well as announcements in landscape architecture publications and other media outreach.

  • The two jury-selected national winners receive financial awards ($25,000 for graduate, $15,000 for undergraduate) and the ongoing use of the title: “2024 LAF National Olmsted Scholar”.
  • The six jury-selected finalists receive financial awards ($5,000 for graduate, $3,000 for undergraduate) and the ongoing use of the title: “2024 LAF National Olmsted Scholar Finalist”.
  • All other nominees receive ongoing use of the title: “2024 LAF Olmsted Scholar”


The LAF Olmsted Scholars are typically recognized at a virtual event in the early fall and in person at events held in conjunction with the American Society of Landscape Architects annual Conference on Landscape Architecture. These events provide opportunities for recognition, networking, and engagement with leaders in the discipline. Plans for 2024 will be finalized in the summer, but will likely be:

  • Virtual induction ceremony on in September.* The event is open to the public, but key attendees are the 2024 Olmsted Scholars, the LAF Board of Directors and Board Emeritus Council, Olmsted Scholar Program sponsors, and the scholars' family, friends, and colleagues.
  • In-person luncheon on Saturday, October 5 in Washington, DC* just prior to the start of the 2024 ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture. Attendees are the 2024 Olmsted Scholars, the LAF Board of Directors, and Olmsted Scholar Program sponsors.
  • In-person leadership conversation on Saturday, October 5 in Washington, DC* led and facilitated by members of LAF's Board Emeritus Council.
  • Recognition at LAF's 39th Annual Benefit on Sunday, October 6 in Washington, DC.*

*Attendance is required for the National Olmsted Scholars and Finalists.


As Past Olmsted Scholars

LAF Olmsted Scholars are encouraged to stay in touch with LAF and keep their contact information current to stay informed about upcoming opportunities. For more information, contact Danielle Carbonneau at dcarbonneau [at] (dcarbonneau[at]lafoundation[dot]org).

Olmsted Scholars Network

All Olmsted Scholars become part of the growing LAF Olmsted Scholars Network. The network has private Facebook and LinkedIn groups to share job announcements, events, mentoring, and other opportunities. A small leadership committee convenes monthly to organize webinars, special events and other community-building activities. Past Olmsted Scholars are eligible to serve on this committee for two-year terms. LAF puts out a call of interest as committee slots become available.

LAF Board Service

The LAF Board of Directors is a diverse group of thought leaders from landscape architecture practice, academia, industry, allied professions, and the nonprofit sector. Two seats are reserved for LAF Olmsted Scholars who serve two-year staggered terms as members of this engaged and dynamic group. LAF covers travel expenses for attendance at the spring and fall board meetings and associated events. In the summer of each year, LAF puts out a call for Olmsted Scholars interested in the open board seat. Final selections are made by the LAF Nominating Committee.

LAF Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership

Each year, LAF selects 6-7 participants for the LAF Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership, a year-long transformation program to develop ideas that have the potential to create positive and profound change in the profession, environment, and humanity. Two of these slots are reserved for recent LAF Olmsted Scholars, those who were named within the last 6 years. Olmsted Scholars participate alongside the Fellows and receive a $5,000 award. Application materials and guidance for Olmsted Scholars are posted when applications open each summer. The application deadline is September 15.


The significance of being an LAF Olmsted Scholar is widely recognized in the landscape architecture profession.

A group of 21 Olmsted Scholars holds a certificate

2022 Olmsted Scholars at the recognition luncheon in San Francisco

A collage of headshots from LAF Olmsted Scholars

LAF Olmsted Scholars recognized to date

LAF is grateful to the many individuals and organizations that provide financial support towards fulfilling our mission to support the preservation, improvement, and enhancement of the environment.

Much of what LAF is able to accomplish would not be possible without the thought leadership and financial investment of our major supporters, including ASLA, which provides over $125,000 of in-kind support annually.
