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Welcome 2016-2017 Board of Directors

The 2016-2017 LAF Board of Directors began its term on October 21 at LAF’s Annual Board Meeting in New Orleans. Jennifer Guthrie, FASLA of Gustafson Guthrie Nichol became President, succeeding Kona Gray, ASLA of EDSA, who was at the helm during LAF’s monumental 50th anniversary year, which included an unprecedented summit and major capital campaign. Adam Greenspan, ASLA of PWP Landscape Architecture became President-Elect.

Past-President Mark Dawson, FASLA of Sasaki Associates returned to a role as Vice President of Finance, and five other Directors assumed roles as officers on the Executive Leadership Team.

  • Vice President of Education:
    Stephanie Rolley, FASLA, AICP, Kansas State
  • Vice President of Research:
    M. Elen Deming, DDes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Vice President of Leadership:
    Monte Wilson, ASLA, Jacobs Engineering
  • Vice President of Communication:
    Richard E. Heriford, Landscape Forms
  • Vice President of Finance: 
    Mark O. Dawson, FASLA, Sasaki Associates
  • Vice President of Development: 
    Jim Manskey, ASLA, TBG Partners

This year, 11 individuals retired off the Board of Directors, in many cases after extended terms of service. LAF extends our sincerest thanks to the following outgoing Board members for their transformative contributions:

  • Susannah Drake, FASLA, AIA, dlandstudio (Director, 2014-2016)
  • Deb Guenther, FASLA, Mithun (Director, 2008-2016; VP of Education, 2009-2011)
  • Kristina Hill, PhD, Affiliate ASLA, University of California, Berkeley (Director, 2010-2016; VP of Education, 2011-2016)
  • Jacinta McCann, FAILA, AECOM (Director, 2010-2016; VP of Communications, 2011-2012; President 2013-2014)
  • Allyson Mendenhall, ASLA, Design Workshop (Director, 2012-2016)
  • Forster Ndubisi, PhD, FASLA, Texas A&M University (Director, 1997-2000, 2008-2016; VP of Research, 2008-2016)
  • Joe Runco, ASLA, SWA Group (Director, 2013-2016)
  • Lucinda Sanders, FASLA, OLIN (Director, 2008-2016; VP of Finance 2010-2011; President, 2011-2012, VP of Leadership, 2013-2016)
  • Laura Solano, ASLA, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (Director, 2012-2016; VP of Finance 2013-2014, 2015-2016; VP of Communications 2014-2015)
  • Peg Staeheli, FASLA, MIG | SvR (Director, 2014-2016)
  • Kate Tooke, ASLA, Sasaki Associates (Director, 2014-2016)

Thirteen new Directors joined the LAF Board, bringing a range of experience and perspectives from landscape architecture practice, academia, industry, real estate development, and the nonprofit sector. ASLA Immediate Past President Chad Danos, FASLA will serve as the ASLA Representative, and Bo Yang, FASLA continues as the CELA Representative. Nina Chase, a 2009 University Olmsted Scholar, was selected for the open Director position for past Olmsted Scholars.

Welcome to the new Board members:

  • Gerdo Aquino, ASLA, SWA Group
  • Kofi Boone, ASLA, North Carolina State University
  • Rebecca Bradley, ASLA, Cadence
  • Nina Chase, ASLA, Riverlife
  • Po-Sun Chen, BrightView Design Group
  • Dorothy Faris, ASLA, Mithun
  • Skip Graffam, ASLA, OLIN
  • Stephanie Grigsby, Design Workshop
  • Diane Jones Allen, ASLA, DesignJones LLC
  • Deborah Marton, New York Restoration Project
  • Steve McCarter, ASLA, Ewing
  • Roberto Rovira, ASLA, Florida International University
  • Stan Wall, P.E., HR&A Advisors

During the three days of lively meetings and events in New Orleans, the commitment, passion, and thought leadership of this dynamic group was evident. We look forward to working together to advance the vision laid out in our New Landscape Declaration. Thank you all for your service!

LAF is grateful to the many individuals and organizations that provide financial support towards fulfilling our mission to support the preservation, improvement, and enhancement of the environment.

Much of what LAF is able to accomplish would not be possible without the thought leadership and financial investment of our major supporters, including ASLA, which provides over $125,000 of in-kind support annually.
