Welcome 2021-22 Board of Directors!

The 2021-2022 LAF Board of Directors began its term on November 19, 2021 at LAF's Annual Board Meeting and events in Nashville. Kofi Boone, FASLA, of North Carolina State University became President, succeeding now Past-President Monte Wilson of Jacobs whose leadership helped LAF continue to navigate the evolving pandemic and poise itself for future growth. Roberto Rovira of Florida International University became President-Elect following a year of service as Vice President of Leadership and a year as Vice President of Research.
Directors Sierra Bainbridge, Connie Chung, Alma Du Solier, and Alpa Nawre stepped into Vice President roles, while two other officers continue in their positions on the executive leadership team.
- Vice President of Research: Michael Johnson, SmithGroup
- Vice President of Education: Alpa Nawre, University of Florida, Critical Places
- Vice President of Leadership: Alma Du Solier, Hood Design Studio
- Vice President of Communications: Sierra Bainbridge, MASS Design Group
- Vice President of Finance: Connie Chung, HR&A Advisors
- Vice President of Development: Michael Grove, FASLA, Sasaki
Rebecca Bradley of Cadence, Po-Sun Chen of BrightView, Brian Jencek of HOK, Diane Jones Allen of DesignJones and The University of Texas at Arlington, and Lisa Switkin of James Corner Field Operations retired off the board at the end of their extended terms after serving in leadership roles. Daniel Martin, formerly with Permaloc and now with ASLA, served for nearly four years. McKenzie Wilhelm of Coen+Partners rotated off after serving a two-year term as an Olmsted Scholar representative and Wendy Miller, FASLA, rotated off after serving for a year in an Ex Officio capacity as the ASLA Representative. Thank you for your dedicated service!
Eight new Directors joined the LAF Board, bringing extensive experience and knowledge from landscape architecture practice, industry, and the nonprofit sector. Jennifer Engelke, a 2012 LAF Olmsted Scholar, was selected for the open Director position for Olmsted Scholars. ASLA Immediate Past President Tom Mroz, FASLA, will serve as an ASLA Representative.
Welcome to the new board members:
- Austin Allen, The University of Texas at Arlington, DesignJones LLC
- Jim Burnett, FASLA, OJB
- Mark Carlos, BrightView
- Jennifer Engelke, PhD candidate at the University of Washington
- Tom Mroz, FASLA, SmithGroup
- Scott Neeley, SiteOne
- Trinity Simons, Mayors’ Institute on City Design
- Roana Tirado, HOK
LAF is honored to work with such an accomplished, passionate, and dedicated group! We look forward to continuing to advance LAF's mission and deliver initiatives that increase the influence and impact of landscape architects.