Landscape Architecture Foundation
The Power of Design
Will Create a Healthier, More Equitable and Sustainable World
New Landscape Declaration
Landscape architecture has a vital role to play in solving the defining issues of our time: climate change, species extinction, rapid urbanization, and inequity. We invite you to engage in this critical, provocative, and inspirational examination of the power of landscape architecture, and to join our passionate community working to answer the call to action.

Thermal Toolkit to Help Designers Identify and Address Urban Heat Disparities
The 2023 LAF Research Grant in Honor of Deb Mitchell supported Heat Waves: Visualizing Thermal...
2025 CSI Teams and Projects Announced
Six faculty Research Fellows and six high-performing landscape projects have been selected for LAF's...
Landscape Architecture Student Sam Nash Riggs Wants to Design a More Colorful, Inclusive World
Sam Nash Riggs is pursuing a Master of Landscape Architecture at the University of Georgia. She is...
Students Selected for the Third Cohort of LAF Ignite
LAF announces the five students selected for the third cohort of LAF Ignite. Ignite is a multi-year...
Lucinda Sanders Reflects on Leadership in Landscape Architecture
Lucinda R. Sanders, EdD, RLA, FASLA, is the recipient of LAF’s 2024 Legacy Award, which recognizes...
2024 Olmsted Scholars Induction Ceremony
This virtual celebration honored the 52 graduate and 42 undergraduate students named as 2024 LAF...

Design firm Mithun pursued JUST, a voluntary disclosure tool for social justice and equity within an organization
Read MoreI commend LAF for convening landscape architects to act upon the challenges facing our planet and for taking us to the next level of purpose and clarity.
Raquel Peñalosa, IFLA Americas